Making Know Your Rights presentations linguistically-accessible

Respond’s Haitian Creole, Portuguese and Vietnamese teams collaborated with our partner PAIR Project (Political Asylum/Immigration Representation) to make Know Your Rights (KYR) presentations for middle and high schoolers linguistically and culturally accessible.


PAIR’s KYR presentations give a summary of the current immigration landscape, legal updates, what a person’s rights are if they encounter immigration enforcement, an overview of the court process, and referrals to legal services providers across Massachusetts. PAIR partners with local nonprofits in Massachusetts, places of worship, schools, community centers, colleges, clinics, and law firms to give KYR presentations.

The Respond team is working to make this essential information accessible to the people who have the highest likelihood of being negatively affected by xenophobic immigration law, due to language barriers and language-based violence.

To request a Know Your Rights presentation at your organization, access KYR materials, or to volunteer with a Know Your Rights presentation, get in touch with Julia Ciachurski at

Thank you to all of the amazing Haitian Creole, Portuguese and Vietnamese translators and project managers who have worked for months to keep these KYR presentations up to date! And thank you to our wonderful friends at PAIR. Respond is grateful to support your important work.


Working at the intersection of language and environmental justice: with Ethos & Empathy


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