Respond Blog
A look at 2024 Afghan team
I hope your New Year is off to a fantastic start! As we step into 2025, it’s a great opportunity to reflect on our achievements, growth and challenges as a team. Here’s a summary of what we accomplished together in 2024 …
Ukraine, Afghanistan, Haiti, U.S.-MX border: Eliminating language barriers on the frontlines by creating jobs for crisis-impacted interpreters
Here is the transcript of a panel event hosted by Respond Crisis Translation and leads across our Ukrainian & Russian, Southwest Asian and North African, Haitian Creole, Spanish, and Indigenous & Marginalized Languages teams.
Respond’s Afghan Language Team’s pro-bono asylum clinics achieve 100% success rate in 2023
The Afghan Languages Team accomplished remarkable feats in 2023.
We take pride in successfully concluding 951 projects, offering our assistance to nearly ten thousand individuals. Around the clock, we collaborated to provide language support across diverse areas such as immigration and asylum, legal matters, asylum clinics, education …
Help empower our Afghan translators as lifelines to justice
Respond’s Afghan language interpreters and translators have become a lifeline for refugees and asylum seekers.
Over the past four months, Respond’s Afghan Languages Team Lead Uma Mirkhail and her team have taken on nearly 300 individual projects, offering their trauma-informed services to over 7,508 Afghans seeking asylum in…
Respond Crisis Translation on PBS NewsHour: Machine translation is endangering asylum claims
Machine translation is on the rise. For-profit government contractors and aid organizations are increasingly adopting these tools to cut costs. This not only costs translators their jobs, but is quite literally jeopardizing Afghans’ asylum cases. The error-riddled translations in Dari, Pashto, and countless other languages…
AI Machine Translation Jeopardizing Afghan Asylum Claims
“Machine translations of Pashto and Dari, in particular, are riddled with errors that have introduced confusion into already complex immigration processes, and led to the rejected asylum claim of at least one Afghan refugee.”
Making Essential Healthcare Accessible for Non-English Speaking Communities
Respond Crisis Translation is committed to bringing vital information. According to ACOG, roughly one-quarter of women in the United States access abortion care in their lifetime. In Respond, we know that barriers to abortion exacerbate existing societal disparities, and we strongly believe in translating any …
Respond's Work With Our Partner, Tennessee Justice for Our Neighbors
Without the help of interpreters like those who stepped forward at Respond Crisis, we would not have been able to do our part of this community wide effort. Respond has truly allowed us to respond during this crisis.
Translating Mental Health Facilitator Curriculum into Afghan languages
Our Dari and Pashto teams, led by our amazing Afghan languages team lead Uma Mirkhail, have been working in partnership with HIAS to make their Mental Health curriculum for group facilitators linguistically-accessible to Afghan facilitators.
Meet Uma: Respond's Afghan Languages Team Lead
In this video, our Afghan Languages Team Lead discusses the importance of her work and why it is so urgent to fund Afghan language practitioners.
Urgent support for our translators in Afghanistan
This is Leila Ehsan, Respond’s Iranian Languages Lead. I am reaching out with an urgent update from some of our Pashto and Dari translators based in Kabul and with ways we can support them.